Deposits and Refunds: A minimum of 50% is taken from your total fee as a deposit to secure your booking, this will be subtracted from your total after your treatment and is non refundable.
A minimum of 24 hours notice is required to reschedule or cancel otherwise the deposit will be forfeit and will not be carried across to your next booking.
A "no-show" or "cancellation" on the day will result on your loss of the total payment an invoice for the amount owing will be sent to you.
I will not tolerate rude, aggressive or any wanted behaviour as this will result to a cancellation of your treatment and again deposit or if it is paid in full will be lost and no refund provided.
By moving forward you agree that you have been accurate and honest in answering the questions before booking and that you absolve Catherine Eliopoulos and Onyx Massage and
Well-being of any liability to any allergic reaction or any injury on or off premises and during any session.
By clicking to book this means you have read all the terms and conditions, and ACCEPT.